Just the facts.
Agencies, Brands, Clients
Accompany | Aerosoles | Amazon Fashion | Ann Taylor | Arnold | Brahmin Leatherworks | C&A | CarlByrd&Co. | Cherokee Group | Conde Nast | Converse | echo | Equinox | Fragrance Foundation | Frye Boots | GQ | Gap | GapKids | GapFactory | Smartwater | God’s Love We Deliver | Havas NY | Hush Puppies | Jaya Inc. | John Varvatos | Joe by Joseph Abboud for JC Penney | Jones New York | Kipling | Konica Minolta | Kraft Foods (Oreo, Ritz and Planters) | LeSportsac | LIKELY | LOFT | Macy’s | NARS Cosmetics | Slover [AND] Company | Splendid | Teen Vogue | YARD NYC